Rules & Regulations
- All lots in the Oakwood Cemetery are sold in accordance with the provisions of the laws of State of N.Y. and shall not be used for any other purpose than as burial place for dead human beings.
- No internment shall be allowed without a burial permit.
- Lot owners are prohibited from allowing interments to be made on their lots for compensation.
- Interments in a lot are restricted to those entitled to burial therein according to the terms of Section 1512 of the Not For Profit Corp. Law. Permission for burial of those not entitled to burial according to the said sections, must be filed with the Oakwood Cemetery Association by lot owner (s).
- Except as provided for in Section 1513 C of the N.F.P.C.L., no lot owner may transfer his Or her lot.
- The full purchase price must be paid before a deed will be given or burial allowed on the
lot. - The Oakwood Cemetery Association reserves the right to remove all flowers, wreaths, or other decorations from lots as soon as they become unsightly. If a temporary marker is placed on lot at the time of burial, The Oakwood Cemetery Association reserves the right for the temporary marker to be removed due to safety concerns. The temporary marker will be removed 30 days after the burial date and not to be replaced.
- The Oakwood Cemetery Association reserves the right to remove after due notice to the
owner any effigy or inscription which, in the opinion of the majority of Trustees or
Directors is unsightly or dangerous. The Oakwood Cemetery Association will not keep or store any item that has been removed from the grave. All items removed from the grave will be disposed of. Any item(s) left at the gravesite is at your own discretion. The Oakwood Cemetery Association is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items. Removal of Christmas or holiday wreaths will be done by March 31st. - The Oakwood Cemetery Association reserves the right to restrict the planting of shrubs and trees and to remove any shrub or tree deemed dangerous to the public upon due notice to the lot owner, and all plantings to be under the supervision of the superintendent. Plantings restricted to 18” in front of monuments.
Refrain from planting on a newly dug grave until final grading, topsoil and seeding have been completed. Newly dug graves settle and will be filled several times, as needed before final grading, topsoil and seeding are completed. Final grading, topsoil and seeding will be completed before the first frost.
(a) Starting with the 2000 section and including any graves sold after 1985 there will be no plantings allowed, with the exception of flowers which may be planted in accordance with the pervious rule of 18” from the monument.
(b) The use of any form of border (stone, wood, metal, plastic or rubber) and also artificial flowers of any kind, and wood or marble chips are prohibited.
- Funerals must be at the grave site by three thirty p.m. in order that workmen will have sufficient time to properly close the grave and remove the equipment before five p.m.
- All funerals, processions, and vehicles will be under the control of the Superintendent while in the cemetery.
- No vault or mausoleum shall be built above ground without the permission of the Board of Directors and then only in such location as they may approve.
- No mausoleum will be approved for construction by the Board of Directors unless a sufficient endowment is set up to provide adequate income to maintain the structure.
- Only one monument shall be allowed on a lot and it shall be set in accordance with the general plan of the Cemetery and shall conform with said plan in size and material.
- All foundation orders must include the length, width, and height of the monument.
All foundation orders must include the style of the monument.
Ex: Slant, Upright, Bench, Grass Marker, etc.The maximum dimensions of a monument on a single grave are 30 inches wide and 16 inches deep from front to back. The maximum dimensions of a monument centered on two graves are 60 inches wide and 16 inches deep from front to back.
Every part of a bench-style monument must be at least 4 inches thick. Memorial benches may only be made of granite.
Compacted gravel foundations will be installed for grass markers and slant-style monuments with a base of 24” x12” or smaller.
If the height or style of the monument is questionable in regards to safety, the cemetery Board of Trustees reserves the right to deny the placement of monument in cemetery.
Monuments must be at least 6 inches thick from top to bottom to be placed above ground.
The monument company must pay for the cost of foundation within 30 days of receiving the bill, and/or prior to the placement of the monument in the cemetery. The Supt. Reserves the right to require pre-payment for foundations if these terms are not met.
No Monument shall be installed until approved by Supt.
No monument will be allowed to be delivered to the Cemetery until the foundation is installed and ready to receive the monument.
Heavy trucking or other vehicular traffic shall be refused entrance to the Cemetery when, in the opinion of the Superintendent, injury to the roads and driveways might result.
All persons shall be allowed access to the Cemetery during daylight hours, observing the rules which are in effect and propriety due to the cemetery.
All monuments or markers must be constructed of granite or bronze. The 1614-1667 section of the Cemetery is for flush markers only.
Disinterments will be scheduled at the discretion of the Superintendent.
Graves will not be opened during severe weather or similar circumstances, in accordance with Section 1510-b of the NFPL. Bodies received at this time will be placed in the receiving vault until conditions allow for burial.
All bodies left in the vault during the winter must be removed and interred or cremated by April 15th. Vault use is for Oakwood Cemetery burials only.
All lot owners are required to notify the cemetery of any change in address. All notices required to be sent shall be sent to the last recorded address.
All bodies left in the vault after May 1st will be removed and interred. If not entitled to burial in a Family Plot, they will be interred in a single grave. The expense of such interment shall be borne by those who caused the body to be placed in the vault. Only such notice shall be given in this case as shall be practical under the circumstances.
These Rules and Regulations may be amended by the Directors of said Oakwood Cemetery Association, but no such amendments shall be effective until approved by the New York State Cemetery Board.
Sunday and holiday burials are governed by Cemetery Board of Directors 201.8 and 201.12.
Concrete vaults or concrete grave liners are required for interments in all graves purchased on or after January 1, 1985, according to the provisions of Cemetery Board directive 201.6. Wooden outer cases are prohibited, but the use of fiberglass or metal vaults will be permitted with special permission.
Above Rules and Regulations filed with N.Y. Div. of Cemeteries in Feb. 9, 1961, approved
Feb. 21, 1961. Revised Sept. 1969, approved Oct. 21, 1969. Amended Feb. 10, 1976 by State Cemetery Board approval, Section 1401. Revised Jan., 1984, approved Feb. 23, 1984.
Revised Jan. 7, 1987, approved May 5, 1987. Further revised Sept. 14, 1992, approved by
State Board Oct. 15, 1992. Further revised Dec. 2017, approved by State Cemetery Board in Dec. 2017.
Further revised April 30, 2018 approved by the State of Cemetery Board May 4, 2018. Further revised March 5, 2022. Approved July 8, 2022.
Specific Decoration Instructions
- ONLY live planted, potted or cut flowers within 18” in front of headstone
- NO rosebushes, shrubbery or evergreens
- Flower pots must be less than 15 pounds total weight
- One flag per grave, not to exceed 12” x 18”
- No ornaments, artificial flowers, effigies, or figurines of any kind
- All Christmas decorations will be removed by March 31. (Beginning of removal will depend on weather.)
See Superintendent for questions and complete rules.